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Prepare QuPath data#

QuPath basics#

cuisto uses some QuPath classifications concepts, make sure to be familiar with them with the official documentation. Notably, we use the concept of primary classification and derived classification : an object classified as First: second is of classification First and of derived classification second.

In a nutshell, QuPath has two main objects type, Annotations and Detections. The former are flexible, editable and can be easily moved around but are memory-intensive so they are not made to handle thousands of them. They are used to define regions of interest such as brain regions - ABBA imports registered brain regions as Annotations. On the other hand, Detections objects are optimized so that a single image can contain thousands of them without any problem, at the expense of being harder to modify (they can't be moved nor removed from the GUI). Those are used for objects of interest (the things you want to count, cells, fibers...).

Both types have an Object ID (an unique identifier), a Name, a Classification and a Parent. Those are strings, eg. letters and words. Then comes any number of numeric measurements that can have arbitrary names (that could be the area, length, count...).


QuPath Annotations include dynamic measurements, eg. measurement that are updated live, such as "Num Detections" and so on. Those can be handy but are not used downstream with cuisto - you will need to add your own count with specific measurement names so that it can work with cuisto, see below.

QuPath requirements#

cuisto assumes a specific way of storing regions and objects information in the TSV files exported from QuPath. Note that only one primary classification is supported (object type), but you can have any number of derived classifications (biological marker or detection channel).


Annotations correspond to the regions of interest, typically the brain regions. They are used to count objects of interest (Detections) within each of them in QuPath, then with cuisto to compute and display the measurement (or a derived metric such as the density) per region. They usually are created importing the registration with the ABBA plugin from the QuPath "Extension" menu or with the importAbba.groovy script located in scripts/qupath-utils/atlas, but can also be drawn manually, imported from ImageJ ROIs (see the importImageJRois.groovy script in scripts/qupath-utils/tools) or any other methods, as long as the following requirements are met (note that the Name and Classification are already correctly set when using the ABBA plugin) :

  • The Name should be the atlas acronym, unless you are not using any atlas. In any case, regions are pooled across images and animals based on their Name (eg. all Annotations, from all images and all subjects, with the same Name are pooled together).
  • The Classification must be in the form Hemisphere: Name, where Hemisphere must be either "Left" or "Right". Even in the case where "Left" and "Right" do not make sense for you, "Left" and "Right" are used internally by cuisto to be able to distinguish the two hemispheres. Note that those can be renamed in the display parameters of the configuration file. Name must correspond to the actual Annotation Name.


There are some Groovy scripts in scripts/qupath-utils/tools showing how to manipulate Annotations' Name and Classification to make them suitable for cuisto when using custom Annotations (eg. not from ABBA).

  • Measurements names should be formatted as :
    object type: marker measurement name. measurement name is the bit you will report in the configuration file as base_measurement under the [regions] section. For instance :
    • if one has cells with some marker and count them in each atlas regions, the measurement name would be :
      Cells: some marker Count.
    • if one segments fibers revealed in the EGFP channel and measures the cumulated length in µm in each atlas regions, the measurement name would be :
      Fibers: EGFP Length µm.
      Any number of markers or channels is supported but only one object type.


Detections are the objects of interest. They are used in QuPath to count them in each regions, and can be used with cuisto to compute and display the spatial distributions based on the atlas coordinates.

The measurement you're interested in (count, cumulated fiber length...) will be added to the Annotations objects (brain regions). In order to get the measurement properly formatted (eg. with the correct measurement name so that it is compatible with cuisto, see above), Detections objects need to respect the following :

  • The Classification must be a derived classification formatted like so : object type: marker. It can't have column other than the one separating the primary classification (object type) and the secondary classification (marker). object type corresponds to the type of objects of interested that are counted (eg. "Cells", "Fibers", ...), marker corresponds to a biological marker or a detection channel (eg. "EGFP", "positive", "marker1+", ...).
  • Only one primary classification can be analyzed at once with cuisto, eg. only objects classified as object type: ... will be taken into account. Examples : Cells: marker 1 and Cells: marker 2, or Fibers: EGFP and Fibers: DsRed.

Those information are used to perform the quantification in each Annotation within QuPath. cuisto can use only the Annotations data afterwards if you're only interested in the quantification in each regions. However, if you also want the spatial distributions of the objects in the atlas space, Detections objects will also need :

  • The atlas coordinates, stored as Atlas_X, Atlas_Y and Atlas_Z, expressed in millimetres (mm). They correspond for the Allen Brain atlas, respectively, to the anterio-posterior (rostro-caudal) axis, the inferio-superior (dorso-ventral) axis and the left-right (medio-lateral) axis. You can add those coordinates to the Detections as a measurement with the addAtlasCoordinates.groovy script located in scripts/qupath-utils/atlas.


Metrics supported by cuisto#

While you're free to add any measurements as long as they follow the requirements, keep in mind that for atlas regions quantification, cuisto will only compute, pool and average the following metrics :

  • the base measurement itself
    • if the measurement name finishes with "µm", it will also be converted to mm (\(\div\)1000)
  • the base measurement divided by the region area in µm² (density in something/µm²)
  • the base measurement divided by the region area in mm² (density in something/mm²)
  • the squared base measurement divided by the region area in µm² (could be an index, in weird units...)
  • the relative base measurement : the base measurement divided by the total base measurement across all regions in each hemisphere
  • the relative density : density divided by total density across all regions in each hemisphere

It is then up to you to select which metrics among those to compute and display and name them, via the configuration file.

For punctual detections (eg. objects whose only the centroid is considered), only the atlas coordinates are used, to compute and display spatial distributions of objects across the brain (using their classifications to give each distributions different hues).
For fibers-like objects, it requires to export the lines detections atlas coordinates as JSON files, with the exportFibersAtlasCoordinates.groovy script (in `scripts/qupath-utils/segmentation) (this is done automatically when using the pipeline).

Adding measurements#

Count for cell-like objects#

The Groovy script at scripts/qupath-utils/measurements/addRegionsCount.groovy will add a properly formatted count of objects of selected classifications in all atlas regions. This is used for punctual objects (polygons or points), for example objects created in QuPath or with the segmentation script.

Cumulated length for fibers-like objects#

The groovy script at scripts/qupath-utils/measurements/addRegionsLength.groovy will add the properly formatted cumulated length in microns of fibers-like objects in all atlas regions. This is used for polylines objects, for example generated with the segmentation script.

Custom measurements#

Keeping in mind cuisto limitations, you can add any measurements you'd like.

For example, you can run a pixel classifier in all annotations (eg. atlas regions). Using the Measure button, it will add a measurement of the area covered by classified pixels (see here). Then, you can use the script located at scripts/qupath-utils/measurements/renameAnnotationsMeasurements.groovy to rename the generated measurements with a properly formatted name. Finally, you can export regions measurements.

Since cuisto will compute a "density", eg. the measurement divided by the region area, in this case, it will correspond to the fraction of surface occupied by classified pixels. This is showcased in the Examples.

QuPath export#

Once you imported atlas regions registered with ABBA, detected objects in your images and added properly formatted measurements to detections and annotations, you can :

  • Head to Measure > Export measurements
  • Select relevant images
  • Choose the Output file (specify in the file name if it is a detections or annotations file)
  • Choose either Detections or Annoations in Export type
  • Click Export

Do this for both Detections and Annotations, you can then use those files with cuisto (see the Examples).

Alternatively, if using QuPath as intended for the pipeline, the final script pipelineImportExport.groovy will automatically import, process and export the data, following the file structure expected by cuisto used in "pipeline mode", eg. to easily analyse several animals at once (to do so without using the pipeline, check this section).