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Script to segment objects from images.

For fiber-like objects, binarize and skeletonize the image, then use skan to extract branches coordinates. For polygon-like objects, binarize the image and detect objects and extract contours coordinates. For points, treat that as polygons then extract the centroids instead of contours. Finally, export the coordinates as collections in geojson files, importable in QuPath. Supports any number of channel of interest within the same image. One file output file per channel will be created.

This script uses cuisto.seg. It is designed to work on probability maps generated from a pixel classifier in QuPath, but might work on raw images.

Usage : fill-in the Parameters section of the script and run it. A "geojson" folder will be created in the parent directory of IMAGES_DIR. To exclude objects near the edges of an ROI, specify the path to masks stored as images with the same names as probabilities images (without their suffix).

author : Guillaume Le Goc ( @ NeuroPSI version : 2024.12.10

CHANNELS_PARAMS = [{'name': 'cy5', 'target_channel': 0, 'proba_threshold': 0.85, 'qp_class': 'Fibers: Cy5', 'qp_color': [164, 250, 120]}, {'name': 'dsred', 'target_channel': 1, 'proba_threshold': 0.65, 'qp_class': 'Fibers: DsRed', 'qp_color': [224, 153, 18]}, {'name': 'egfp', 'target_channel': 2, 'proba_threshold': 0.85, 'qp_class': 'Fibers: EGFP', 'qp_color': [135, 11, 191]}] module-attribute #

This should be a list of dictionary (one per channel) with keys :

  • name: str, used as suffix for output geojson files, not used if only one channel
  • target_channel: int, index of the segmented channel of the image, 0-based
  • proba_threshold: float < 1, probability cut-off for that channel
  • qp_class: str, name of QuPath classification
  • qp_color: list of RGB values, associated color

EDGE_DIST = 0 module-attribute #

Distance to brain edge to ignore, in µm. 0 to disable.

FILTERS = {'length_low': 1.5, 'area_low': 10, 'area_high': 1000, 'ecc_low': 0.0, 'ecc_high': 0.9, 'dist_thresh': 30} module-attribute #

Dictionary with keys :

  • length_low: minimal length in microns - for lines
  • area_low: minimal area in µm² - for polygons and points
  • area_high: maximal area in µm² - for polygons and points
  • ecc_low: minimal eccentricity - for polygons and points (0 = circle)
  • ecc_high: maximal eccentricity - for polygons and points (1 = line)
  • dist_thresh: maximal inter-point distance in µm - for points

IMAGES_DIR = '/path/to/images' module-attribute #

Full path to the images to segment.

IMG_SUFFIX = '_Probabilities.tiff' module-attribute #

Images suffix, including extension. Masks must be the same name without the suffix.

MASKS_DIR = 'path/to/corresponding/masks' module-attribute #

Full path to the masks, to exclude objects near the brain edges (set to None or empty string to disable this feature).

MASKS_EXT = 'tiff' module-attribute #

Masks files extension.

MAX_PIX_VALUE = 255 module-attribute #

Maximum pixel possible value to adjust proba_threshold.

ORIGINAL_PIXELSIZE = 0.45 module-attribute #

Original images pixel size in microns. This is in case the pixel classifier uses a lower resolution, yielding smaller probability maps, so output objects coordinates need to be rescaled to the full size images. The pixel size is written in the "Image" tab in QuPath.

QUPATH_TYPE = 'detection' module-attribute #

QuPath object type.

SEGTYPE = 'boutons' module-attribute #

Type of segmentation.

get_geojson_dir(images_dir) #

Get the directory of geojson files, which will be in the parent directory of images_dir.

If the directory does not exist, create it.


Name Type Description Default
images_dir str


Name Type Description
geojson_dir str
Source code in scripts/segmentation/
def get_geojson_dir(images_dir: str):
    Get the directory of geojson files, which will be in the parent directory
    of `images_dir`.

    If the directory does not exist, create it.

    images_dir : str

    geojson_dir : str


    geojson_dir = os.path.join(Path(images_dir).parent, "geojson")

    if not os.path.isdir(geojson_dir):

    return geojson_dir

get_geojson_properties(name, color, objtype='detection') #

Return geojson objects properties as a dictionnary, ready to be used in geojson.Feature.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Classification name.

color tuple or list

Classification color in RGB (3-elements vector).

objtype str

Object type ("detection" or "annotation"). Default is "detection".



Name Type Description
props dict
Source code in scripts/segmentation/
def get_geojson_properties(name: str, color: tuple | list, objtype: str = "detection"):
    Return geojson objects properties as a dictionnary, ready to be used in geojson.Feature.

    name : str
        Classification name.
    color : tuple or list
        Classification color in RGB (3-elements vector).
    objtype : str, optional
        Object type ("detection" or "annotation"). Default is "detection".

    props : dict


    return {
        "objectType": objtype,
        "classification": {"name": name, "color": color},
        "isLocked": "true",

get_seg_method(segtype) #

Determine what kind of segmentation is performed.

Segmentation kind are, for now, lines, polygons or points. We detect that based on hardcoded keywords.


Name Type Description Default
segtype str


Name Type Description
seg_method str
Source code in scripts/segmentation/
def get_seg_method(segtype: str):
    Determine what kind of segmentation is performed.

    Segmentation kind are, for now, lines, polygons or points. We detect that based on
    hardcoded keywords.

    segtype : str

    seg_method : str


    line_list = ["fibers", "axons", "fiber", "axon"]
    point_list = ["synapto", "synaptophysin", "syngfp", "boutons", "points"]
    polygon_list = ["cells", "polygon", "polygons", "polygon", "cell"]

    if segtype in line_list:
        seg_method = "lines"
    elif segtype in polygon_list:
        seg_method = "polygons"
    elif segtype in point_list:
        seg_method = "points"
        raise ValueError(
            f"Could not determine method to use based on segtype : {segtype}."

    return seg_method

parameters_as_dict(images_dir, masks_dir, segtype, name, proba_threshold, edge_dist) #

Get information as a dictionnary.


Name Type Description Default
images_dir str

Path to images to be segmented.

masks_dir str

Path to images masks.

segtype str

Segmentation type (eg. "fibers").

name str

Name of the segmentation (eg. "green").

proba_threshold float < 1

Probability threshold.

edge_dist float

Distance in µm to the brain edge that is ignored.



Name Type Description
params dict
Source code in scripts/segmentation/
def parameters_as_dict(
    images_dir: str,
    masks_dir: str,
    segtype: str,
    name: str,
    proba_threshold: float,
    edge_dist: float,
    Get information as a dictionnary.

    images_dir : str
        Path to images to be segmented.
    masks_dir : str
        Path to images masks.
    segtype : str
        Segmentation type (eg. "fibers").
    name : str
        Name of the segmentation (eg. "green").
    proba_threshold : float < 1
        Probability threshold.
    edge_dist : float
        Distance in µm to the brain edge that is ignored.

    params : dict


    return {
        "images_location": images_dir,
        "masks_location": masks_dir,
        "type": segtype,
        "probability threshold": proba_threshold,
        "name": name,
        "edge distance": edge_dist,

process_directory(images_dir, img_suffix='', segtype='', original_pixelsize=1.0, target_channel=0, proba_threshold=0.0, qupath_class='Object', qupath_color=[0, 0, 0], channel_suffix='', edge_dist=0.0, filters={}, masks_dir='', masks_ext='') #

Main function, processes the .ome.tiff files in the input directory.


Name Type Description Default
images_dir str

Animal ID to process.

img_suffix str

Images suffix, including extension.

segtype str

Segmentation type.

original_pixelsize float

Original images pixel size in microns.

target_channel int

Index of the channel containning the objects of interest (eg. not the background), in the probability map (not the original images channels).

proba_threshold float < 1

Probability below this value will be discarded (multiplied by MAX_PIXEL_VALUE)

qupath_class str

Name of the QuPath classification.

qupath_color list of three elements

Color associated to that classification in RGB.

[0, 0, 0]
channel_suffix str

Channel name, will be used as a suffix in output geojson files.

edge_dist float

Distance to the edge of the brain masks that will be ignored, in microns. Set to 0 to disable this feature.

filters dict

Filters values to include or excludes objects. See the top of the script.

masks_dir str

Path to images masks, to exclude objects found near the edges. The masks must be with the same name as the corresponding image to be segmented, without its suffix. Default is "", which disables this feature.

masks_ext str

Masks files extension, without leading ".". Default is ""

Source code in scripts/segmentation/
def process_directory(
    images_dir: str,
    img_suffix: str = "",
    segtype: str = "",
    original_pixelsize: float = 1.0,
    target_channel: int = 0,
    proba_threshold: float = 0.0,
    qupath_class: str = "Object",
    qupath_color: list = [0, 0, 0],
    channel_suffix: str = "",
    edge_dist: float = 0.0,
    filters: dict = {},
    masks_dir: str = "",
    masks_ext: str = "",
    Main function, processes the .ome.tiff files in the input directory.

    images_dir : str
        Animal ID to process.
    img_suffix : str
        Images suffix, including extension.
    segtype : str
        Segmentation type.
    original_pixelsize : float
        Original images pixel size in microns.
    target_channel : int
        Index of the channel containning the objects of interest (eg. not the
        background), in the probability map (*not* the original images channels).
    proba_threshold : float < 1
        Probability below this value will be discarded (multiplied by `MAX_PIXEL_VALUE`)
    qupath_class : str
        Name of the QuPath classification.
    qupath_color : list of three elements
        Color associated to that classification in RGB.
    channel_suffix : str
        Channel name, will be used as a suffix in output geojson files.
    edge_dist : float
        Distance to the edge of the brain masks that will be ignored, in microns. Set to
        0 to disable this feature.
    filters : dict
        Filters values to include or excludes objects. See the top of the script.
    masks_dir : str, optional
        Path to images masks, to exclude objects found near the edges. The masks must be
        with the same name as the corresponding image to be segmented, without its
        suffix. Default is "", which disables this feature.
    masks_ext : str, optional
        Masks files extension, without leading ".". Default is ""


    # -- Preparation
    # get segmentation type
    seg_method = get_seg_method(segtype)

    # get output directory path
    geojson_dir = get_geojson_dir(images_dir)

    # get images list
    images_list = [
        os.path.join(images_dir, filename)
        for filename in os.listdir(images_dir)
        if filename.endswith(img_suffix)

    # write parameters
    parameters = parameters_as_dict(
        images_dir, masks_dir, segtype, channel_suffix, proba_threshold, edge_dist
    param_file = os.path.join(geojson_dir, "parameters" + channel_suffix + ".txt")
    if os.path.isfile(param_file):
        raise FileExistsError("Parameters file already exists.")
        write_parameters(param_file, parameters, filters, original_pixelsize)

    # convert parameters to pixels in probability map
    pixelsize = hq.seg.get_pixelsize(images_list[0])  # get pixel size
    edge_dist = int(edge_dist / pixelsize)
    filters = hq.seg.convert_to_pixels(filters, pixelsize)

    # get rescaling factor
    rescale_factor = pixelsize / original_pixelsize

    # get GeoJSON properties
    geojson_props = get_geojson_properties(
        qupath_class, qupath_color, objtype=QUPATH_TYPE

    # -- Processing
    pbar = tqdm(images_list)
    for imgpath in pbar:
        # build file names
        imgname = os.path.basename(imgpath)
        geoname = imgname.replace(img_suffix, "")
        geojson_file = os.path.join(
            geojson_dir, geoname + "_segmentation" + channel_suffix + ".geojson"

        # checks if output file already exists
        if os.path.isfile(geojson_file):

        # read images
        pbar.set_description(f"{geoname}: Loading...")
        img = tifffile.imread(imgpath, key=target_channel)
        if (edge_dist > 0) & (len(masks_dir) != 0):
            mask = tifffile.imread(os.path.join(masks_dir, geoname + "." + masks_ext))
            mask = hq.seg.pad_image(mask, img.shape)  # resize mask
            # apply mask, eroding from the edges
            img = img * hq.seg.erode_mask(mask, edge_dist)

        # image processing
        pbar.set_description(f"{geoname}: IP...")

        # threshold probability and binarization
        img = img >= proba_threshold * MAX_PIX_VALUE

        # segmentation
        pbar.set_description(f"{geoname}: Segmenting...")

        if seg_method == "lines":
            collection = hq.seg.segment_lines(

        elif seg_method == "polygons":
            collection = hq.seg.segment_polygons(

        elif seg_method == "points":
            collection = hq.seg.segment_points(
            # we already printed an error message

        # save geojson
        pbar.set_description(f"{geoname}: Saving...")
        with open(geojson_file, "w") as fid:

write_parameters(outfile, parameters, filters, original_pixelsize) #

Write parameters to outfile.

A timestamp will be added. Parameters are written as key = value, and a [filters] is added before filters parameters.


Name Type Description Default
outfile str

Full path to the output file.

parameters dict

General parameters.

filters dict

Filters parameters.

original_pixelsize float

Size of pixels in original image.

Source code in scripts/segmentation/
def write_parameters(
    outfile: str, parameters: dict, filters: dict, original_pixelsize: float
    Write parameters to `outfile`.

    A timestamp will be added. Parameters are written as key = value,
    and a [filters] is added before filters parameters.

    outfile : str
        Full path to the output file.
    parameters : dict
        General parameters.
    filters : dict
        Filters parameters.
    original_pixelsize : float
        Size of pixels in original image.


    with open(outfile, "w") as fid:
        fid.writelines(f"date = {'%d-%B-%Y %H:%M:%S')}\n")

        fid.writelines(f"original_pixelsize = {original_pixelsize}\n")

        for key, value in parameters.items():
            fid.writelines(f"{key} = {value}\n")


        for key, value in filters.items():
            fid.writelines(f"{key} = {value}\n")