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utils module, part of cuisto.

Contains utilities functions.

add_brain_region(df, atlas, col='Parent') #

Add brain region to a DataFrame with Atlas_X, Atlas_Y and Atlas_Z columns.

This uses Brainglobe Atlas API to query the atlas. It does not use the structure_from_coords() method, instead it manually converts the coordinates in stack indices, then get the corresponding annotation id and query the corresponding acronym -- because brainglobe-atlasapi is not vectorized at all.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

DataFrame with atlas coordinates in microns.

atlas BrainGlobeAtlas
col str

Column in which to put the regions acronyms. Default is "Parent".



Name Type Description
df DataFrame

Same DataFrame with a new "Parent" column.

Source code in cuisto/
def add_brain_region(
    df: pd.DataFrame, atlas: BrainGlobeAtlas, col="Parent"
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Add brain region to a DataFrame with `Atlas_X`, `Atlas_Y` and `Atlas_Z` columns.

    This uses Brainglobe Atlas API to query the atlas. It does not use the
    structure_from_coords() method, instead it manually converts the coordinates in
    stack indices, then get the corresponding annotation id and query the corresponding
    acronym -- because brainglobe-atlasapi is not vectorized at all.

    df : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame with atlas coordinates in microns.
    atlas : BrainGlobeAtlas
    col : str, optional
        Column in which to put the regions acronyms. Default is "Parent".

    df : pd.DataFrame
        Same DataFrame with a new "Parent" column.

    df_in = df.copy()

    res = atlas.resolution  # microns <-> pixels conversion
    lims = atlas.shape_um  # out of brain

    # set out-of-brain objects at 0 so we get "root" as their parent
    df_in.loc[(df_in["Atlas_X"] >= lims[0]) | (df_in["Atlas_X"] < 0), "Atlas_X"] = 0
    df_in.loc[(df_in["Atlas_Y"] >= lims[1]) | (df_in["Atlas_Y"] < 0), "Atlas_Y"] = 0
    df_in.loc[(df_in["Atlas_Z"] >= lims[2]) | (df_in["Atlas_Z"] < 0), "Atlas_Z"] = 0

    # build the multi index, in pixels and integers
    ixyz = (
    # convert i, j, k indices in raveled indices
    linear_indices = np.ravel_multi_index(ixyz, dims=atlas.annotation.shape)
    # get the structure id from the annotation stack
    idlist = atlas.annotation.ravel()[linear_indices]
    # replace 0 which does not exist to 997 (root)
    idlist[idlist == 0] = 997

    # query the corresponding acronyms
    lookup = atlas.lookup_df.set_index("id")
    df.loc[:, col] = lookup.loc[idlist, "acronym"].values

    return df

add_channel(df, object_type, channel_names) #

Add channel as a measurement for detections DataFrame.

The channel is read from the Classification column, the latter having to be formatted as "object_type: channel".


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

DataFrame with detections measurements.

object_type str

Object type (primary classification).

channel_names dict

Map between original channel names to something else.



Type Description

Same DataFrame with a "channel" column.

Source code in cuisto/
def add_channel(
    df: pd.DataFrame, object_type: str, channel_names: dict
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Add channel as a measurement for detections DataFrame.

    The channel is read from the Classification column, the latter having to be
    formatted as "object_type: channel".

    df : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame with detections measurements.
    object_type : str
        Object type (primary classification).
    channel_names : dict
        Map between original channel names to something else.

        Same DataFrame with a "channel" column.

    # check if there is something to do
    if "channel" in df.columns:
        return df

    kind = get_df_kind(df)
    if kind == "annotation":
        warnings.warn("Annotation DataFrame not supported.")
        return df

    # add channel, from {class_name: channel} classification
    df["channel"] = (
        df["Classification"].str.replace(object_type + ": ", "").map(channel_names)

    return df

add_hemisphere(df, hemisphere_names, midline=5700, col='Atlas_Z', atlas_type='brain') #

Add hemisphere (left/right) as a measurement for detections or annotations.

The hemisphere is read in the "Classification" column for annotations. The latter needs to be in the form "Right: Name" or "Left: Name". For detections, the input col of df is compared to midline to assess if the object belong to the left or right hemispheres.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

DataFrame with detections or annotations measurements.

hemisphere_names dict

Map between "Left" and "Right" to something else.

midline float

Used only for "detections" df. Corresponds to the brain midline in microns, should be 5700 for CCFv3 and 1610 for spinal cord.

col str

Name of the column containing the Z coordinate (medio-lateral) in microns. Default is "Atlas_Z".

atlas_type (brain, cord)

Type of atlas used for registration. Required because the brain atlas is swapped between left and right while the spinal cord atlas is not. Default is "brain".



Name Type Description
df DataFrame

The same DataFrame with a new "hemisphere" column

Source code in cuisto/
def add_hemisphere(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    hemisphere_names: dict,
    midline: float = 5700,
    col: str = "Atlas_Z",
    atlas_type: str = "brain",
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Add hemisphere (left/right) as a measurement for detections or annotations.

    The hemisphere is read in the "Classification" column for annotations. The latter
    needs to be in the form "Right: Name" or "Left: Name". For detections, the input
    `col` of `df` is compared to `midline` to assess if the object belong to the left or
    right hemispheres.

    df : pandas.DataFrame
        DataFrame with detections or annotations measurements.
    hemisphere_names : dict
        Map between "Left" and "Right" to something else.
    midline : float
        Used only for "detections" `df`. Corresponds to the brain midline in microns,
        should be 5700 for CCFv3 and 1610 for spinal cord.
    col : str, optional
        Name of the column containing the Z coordinate (medio-lateral) in microns.
        Default is "Atlas_Z".
    atlas_type : {"brain", "cord"}, optional
        Type of atlas used for registration. Required because the brain atlas is swapped
        between left and right while the spinal cord atlas is not. Default is "brain".

    df : pandas.DataFrame
        The same DataFrame with a new "hemisphere" column

    # check if there is something to do
    if "hemisphere" in df.columns:
        return df

    # get kind of DataFrame
    kind = get_df_kind(df)

    if kind == "detection":
        # use midline
        if atlas_type == "brain":
            # brain atlas : beyond midline, it's left
            df.loc[df[col] >= midline, "hemisphere"] = hemisphere_names["Left"]
            df.loc[df[col] < midline, "hemisphere"] = hemisphere_names["Right"]
        elif atlas_type == "cord":
            # cord atlas : below midline, it's left
            df.loc[df[col] <= midline, "hemisphere"] = hemisphere_names["Left"]
            df.loc[df[col] > midline, "hemisphere"] = hemisphere_names["Right"]

    elif kind == "annotation":
        # use Classification name -- this does not depend on atlas type
        df["hemisphere"] = [name.split(":")[0] for name in df["Classification"]]
        df["hemisphere"] = df["hemisphere"].map(hemisphere_names)

    return df

ccf_to_stereo(x_ccf, y_ccf, z_ccf=0) #

Convert X, Y, Z coordinates in CCFv3 to stereotaxis coordinates (as in Paxinos-Franklin atlas).

Coordinates are shifted, rotated and squeezed, see (1) for more info. Input must be in mm. x_ccf corresponds to the anterio-posterior (rostro-caudal) axis. y_ccf corresponds to the dorso-ventral axis. z_ccf corresponds to the medio-lateral axis (left-right) axis.

Warning : it is a rough estimation.



Name Type Description Default
x_ccf floats or ndarray

Coordinates in CCFv3 space in mm.

y_ccf floats or ndarray

Coordinates in CCFv3 space in mm.

z_ccf float or ndarray

Coordinate in CCFv3 space in mm. Default is 0.



Type Description
ap, dv, ml : floats or np.ndarray

Stereotaxic coordinates in mm.

Source code in cuisto/
def ccf_to_stereo(
    x_ccf: float | np.ndarray, y_ccf: float | np.ndarray, z_ccf: float | np.ndarray = 0
) -> tuple:
    Convert X, Y, Z coordinates in CCFv3 to stereotaxis coordinates (as in
    Paxinos-Franklin atlas).

    Coordinates are shifted, rotated and squeezed, see (1) for more info. Input must be
    in mm.
    `x_ccf` corresponds to the anterio-posterior (rostro-caudal) axis.
    `y_ccf` corresponds to the dorso-ventral axis.
    `z_ccf` corresponds to the medio-lateral axis (left-right) axis.

    Warning : it is a rough estimation.


    x_ccf, y_ccf : floats or np.ndarray
        Coordinates in CCFv3 space in mm.
    z_ccf : float or np.ndarray, optional
        Coordinate in CCFv3 space in mm. Default is 0.

    ap, dv, ml : floats or np.ndarray
        Stereotaxic coordinates in mm.

    # Center CCF on Bregma
    xstereo = -(x_ccf - 5.40)  # anterio-posterior coordinate (rostro-caudal)
    ystereo = y_ccf - 0.44  # dorso-ventral coordinate
    ml = z_ccf - 5.70  # medio-lateral coordinate (left-right)

    # Rotate CCF of 5°
    angle = np.deg2rad(5)
    ap = xstereo * np.cos(angle) - ystereo * np.sin(angle)
    dv = xstereo * np.sin(angle) + ystereo * np.cos(angle)

    # Squeeze the dorso-ventral axis by 94.34%
    dv *= 0.9434

    return ap, dv, ml

filter_df_classifications(df, filter_list, mode='keep', col='Classification') #

Filter a DataFrame whether specified col column entries contain elements in filter_list. Case insensitive.

If mode is "keep", keep entries only if their col in is in the list (default). If mode is "remove", remove entries if their col is in the list.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame
filter_list list | tuple | str

List of words that should be present to trigger the filter.

mode keep or remove

Keep or remove entries from the list. Default is "keep".

col str

Key in df. Default is "Classification".



Type Description

Filtered DataFrame.

Source code in cuisto/
def filter_df_classifications(
    df: pd.DataFrame, filter_list: list | tuple | str, mode="keep", col="Classification"
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Filter a DataFrame whether specified `col` column entries contain elements in
    `filter_list`. Case insensitive.

    If `mode` is "keep", keep entries only if their `col` in is in the list (default).
    If `mode` is "remove", remove entries if their `col` is in the list.

    df : pd.DataFrame
    filter_list : list | tuple | str
        List of words that should be present to trigger the filter.
    mode : "keep" or "remove", optional
        Keep or remove entries from the list. Default is "keep".
    col : str, optional
        Key in `df`. Default is "Classification".

        Filtered DataFrame.

    # check input
    if isinstance(filter_list, str):
        filter_list = [filter_list]  # make sure it is a list

    if col not in df.columns:
        # might be because of 'Classification' instead of 'classification'
        col = col.capitalize()
        if col not in df.columns:
            raise KeyError(f"{col} not in DataFrame.")

    pattern = "|".join(f".*{s}.*" for s in filter_list)

    if mode == "keep":
        df_return = df[df[col].str.contains(pattern, case=False, regex=True)]
    elif mode == "remove":
        df_return = df[~df[col].str.contains(pattern, case=False, regex=True)]

    # check
    if len(df_return) == 0:
        raise ValueError(
                f"Filtering '{col}' with {filter_list} resulted in an"
                + " empty DataFrame, check your config file."
    return df_return

filter_df_regions(df, filter_list, mode='keep', col='Parent') #

Filters entries in df based on wether their col is in filter_list or not.

If mode is "keep", keep entries only if their col in is in the list (default). If mode is "remove", remove entries if their col is in the list.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame
filter_list list - like

List of regions to keep or remove from the DataFrame.

mode keep or remove

Keep or remove entries from the list. Default is "keep".

col str

Key in df. Default is "Parent".



Name Type Description
df DataFrame

Filtered DataFrame.

Source code in cuisto/
def filter_df_regions(
    df: pd.DataFrame, filter_list: list | tuple, mode="keep", col="Parent"
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Filters entries in `df` based on wether their `col` is in `filter_list` or not.

    If `mode` is "keep", keep entries only if their `col` in is in the list (default).
    If `mode` is "remove", remove entries if their `col` is in the list.

    df : pandas.DataFrame
    filter_list : list-like
        List of regions to keep or remove from the DataFrame.
    mode : "keep" or "remove", optional
        Keep or remove entries from the list. Default is "keep".
    col : str, optional
        Key in `df`. Default is "Parent".

    df : pandas.DataFrame
        Filtered DataFrame.


    if mode == "keep":
        return df[df[col].isin(filter_list)]
    if mode == "remove":
        return df[~df[col].isin(filter_list)]

get_blacklist(file, atlas) #

Build a list of regions to exclude from file.

File must be a TOML with [WITH_CHILDS] and [EXACT] sections.


Name Type Description Default
file str

Full path the atlas_blacklist.toml file.

atlas BrainGlobeAtlas

Atlas to extract regions from.



Name Type Description
black_list list

Full list of acronyms to discard.

Source code in cuisto/
def get_blacklist(file: str, atlas: BrainGlobeAtlas) -> list:
    Build a list of regions to exclude from file.

    File must be a TOML with [WITH_CHILDS] and [EXACT] sections.

    file : str
        Full path the atlas_blacklist.toml file.
    atlas : BrainGlobeAtlas
        Atlas to extract regions from.

    black_list : list
        Full list of acronyms to discard.

    with open(file, "rb") as fid:
        content = tomllib.load(fid)

    blacklist = []  # init. the list

    # add regions and their descendants
    for region in content["WITH_CHILDS"]["members"]:
                for id in atlas.structures.tree.expand_tree(

    # add regions specified exactly (no descendants)

    return blacklist

get_data_coverage(df, col='Atlas_AP', by='animal') #

Get min and max in col for each by.

Used to get data coverage for each animal to plot in distributions.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame


col str

Key in df, default is "Atlas_X".

by str

Key in df , default is "animal".



Type Description

min and max of col for each by, named "X_min", and "X_max".

Source code in cuisto/
def get_data_coverage(df: pd.DataFrame, col="Atlas_AP", by="animal") -> pd.DataFrame:
    Get min and max in `col` for each `by`.

    Used to get data coverage for each animal to plot in distributions.

    df : pd.DataFrame
    col : str, optional
        Key in `df`, default is "Atlas_X".
    by : str, optional
        Key in `df` , default is "animal".

        min and max of `col` for each `by`, named "X_min", and "X_max".

    df_group = df.groupby([by])
    return pd.DataFrame(
        index=["X_min", "X_max"],

get_df_kind(df) #

Get DataFrame kind, eg. Annotations or Detections.

It is based on reading the Object Type of the first entry, so the DataFrame must have only one kind of object.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame


Name Type Description
kind str

"detection" or "annotation".

Source code in cuisto/
def get_df_kind(df: pd.DataFrame) -> str:
    Get DataFrame kind, eg. Annotations or Detections.

    It is based on reading the Object Type of the first entry, so the DataFrame must
    have only one kind of object.

    df : pandas.DataFrame

    kind : str
        "detection" or "annotation".

    return df["Object type"].iloc[0].lower()

get_injection_site(animal, info_file, channel, stereo=False) #

Get the injection site coordinates associated with animal.


Name Type Description Default
animal str

Animal ID.

info_file str

Path to TOML info file.

channel str

Channel ID as in the TOML file.

stereo bool

Wether to convert coordinates in stereotaxis coordinates. Default is False.



Type Description
x, y, z : floats

Injection site coordinates.

Source code in cuisto/
def get_injection_site(
    animal: str, info_file: str, channel: str, stereo: bool = False
) -> tuple:
    Get the injection site coordinates associated with animal.

    animal : str
        Animal ID.
    info_file : str
        Path to TOML info file.
    channel : str
        Channel ID as in the TOML file.
    stereo : bool, optional
        Wether to convert coordinates in stereotaxis coordinates. Default is False.

    x, y, z : floats
        Injection site coordinates.

    with open(info_file, "rb") as fid:
        info = tomllib.load(fid)

    if channel in info[animal]:
        x, y, z = info[animal][channel]["injection_site"]
        if stereo:
            x, y, z = ccf_to_stereo(x, y, z)
        x, y, z = None, None, None

    return x, y, z

get_leaves_list(atlas) #

Get the list of leaf brain regions.

Leaf brain regions are defined as regions without childs, eg. regions that are at the bottom of the hiearchy.


Name Type Description Default
atlas BrainGlobeAtlas

Atlas to extract regions from.



Name Type Description
leaves_list list

Acronyms of leaf brain regions.

Source code in cuisto/
def get_leaves_list(atlas: BrainGlobeAtlas) -> list:
    Get the list of leaf brain regions.

    Leaf brain regions are defined as regions without childs, eg. regions that are at
    the bottom of the hiearchy.

    atlas : BrainGlobeAtlas
        Atlas to extract regions from.

    leaves_list : list
        Acronyms of leaf brain regions.

    leaves_list = []
    for region in atlas.structures_list:
        if atlas.structures.tree[region["id"]].is_leaf():

    return leaves_list

get_mapping_fusion(fusion_file) #

Get mapping dictionnary between input brain regions and new regions defined in atlas_fusion.toml file.

The returned dictionnary can be used in DataFrame.replace().


Name Type Description Default
fusion_file str

Path to the TOML file with the merging rules.



Name Type Description
m dict

Mapping as {old: new}.

Source code in cuisto/
def get_mapping_fusion(fusion_file: str) -> dict:
    Get mapping dictionnary between input brain regions and new regions defined in
    `atlas_fusion.toml` file.

    The returned dictionnary can be used in DataFrame.replace().

    fusion_file : str
        Path to the TOML file with the merging rules.

    m : dict
        Mapping as {old: new}.

    with open(fusion_file, "rb") as fid:
        df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(tomllib.load(fid), orient="index").set_index(

    return (

get_starter_cells(animal, channel, info_file) #

Get the number of starter cells associated with animal.


Name Type Description Default
animal str

Animal ID.

channel str

Channel ID.

info_file str

Path to TOML info file.



Name Type Description
n_starters int

Number of starter cells.

Source code in cuisto/
def get_starter_cells(animal: str, channel: str, info_file: str) -> int:
    Get the number of starter cells associated with animal.

    animal : str
        Animal ID.
    channel : str
        Channel ID.
    info_file : str
        Path to TOML info file.

    n_starters : int
        Number of starter cells.

    with open(info_file, "rb") as fid:
        info = tomllib.load(fid)

    return info[animal][channel]["starter_cells"]

merge_regions(df, col, fusion_file) #

Merge brain regions following rules in the fusion_file.toml file.

Apply this merging on col of the input DataFrame. col whose value is found in the members sections in the file will be changed to the new acronym.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame
col str

Column of df on which to apply the mapping.

fusion_file str

Path to the toml file with the merging rules.



Name Type Description
df DataFrame

Same DataFrame with regions renamed.

Source code in cuisto/
def merge_regions(df: pd.DataFrame, col: str, fusion_file: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Merge brain regions following rules in the `fusion_file.toml` file.

    Apply this merging on `col` of the input DataFrame. `col` whose value is found in
    the `members` sections in the file will be changed to the new acronym.

    df : pandas.DataFrame
    col : str
        Column of `df` on which to apply the mapping.
    fusion_file : str
        Path to the toml file with the merging rules.

    df : pandas.DataFrame
        Same DataFrame with regions renamed.

    df[col] = df[col].replace(get_mapping_fusion(fusion_file))

    return df

renormalize_per_key(df, by, on) #

Renormalize on column by its sum for each by.

Use case : relative density is computed for both hemispheres, so if one wants to plot only one hemisphere, the sum of the bars corresponding to one channel (by) should be 1. So :

df = df[df["hemisphere"] == "Ipsi."] df = renormalize_per_key(df, "channel", "relative density") Then, the sum of "relative density" for each "channel" equals 1.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame
by str

Key in df. df is normalized for each by.

on str

Key in df. Measurement to be normalized.



Name Type Description
df DataFrame

Same DataFrame with normalized on column.

Source code in cuisto/
def renormalize_per_key(df: pd.DataFrame, by: str, on: str):
    Renormalize `on` column by its sum for each `by`.

    Use case : relative density is computed for both hemispheres, so if one wants to
    plot only one hemisphere, the sum of the bars corresponding to one channel (`by`)
    should be 1. So :
    >>> df = df[df["hemisphere"] == "Ipsi."]
    >>> df = renormalize_per_key(df, "channel", "relative density")
    Then, the sum of "relative density" for each "channel" equals 1.

    df : pd.DataFrame
    by : str
        Key in `df`. `df` is normalized for each `by`.
    on : str
        Key in `df`. Measurement to be normalized.

    df : pd.DataFrame
        Same DataFrame with normalized `on` column.

    norm = df.groupby(by)[on].sum()
    bys = df[by].unique()
    for key in bys:
        df.loc[df[by] == key, on] = df.loc[df[by] == key, on].divide(norm[key])

    return df

select_hemisphere_channel(df, hue, hue_filter, hue_mirror) #

Select relevant data given hue and filters.

Returns the DataFrame with only things to be used.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

DataFrame to filter.

hue (hemisphere, channel)

hue that will be used in seaborn plots.

hue_filter str

Selected data.

hue_mirror bool

Instead of keeping only hue_filter values, they will be plotted in mirror.



Name Type Description
dfplt DataFrame

DataFrame to be used in plots.

Source code in cuisto/
def select_hemisphere_channel(
    df: pd.DataFrame, hue: str, hue_filter: str, hue_mirror: bool
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Select relevant data given hue and filters.

    Returns the DataFrame with only things to be used.

    df : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame to filter.
    hue : {"hemisphere", "channel"}
        hue that will be used in seaborn plots.
    hue_filter : str
        Selected data.
    hue_mirror : bool
        Instead of keeping only hue_filter values, they will be plotted in mirror.

    dfplt : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame to be used in plots.

    dfplt = df.copy()

    if hue == "hemisphere":
        # hue_filter is used to select channels
        # keep only left and right hemispheres, not "both"
        dfplt = dfplt[dfplt["hemisphere"] != "both"]
        if hue_filter == "all":
            hue_filter = dfplt["channel"].unique()
        elif not isinstance(hue_filter, (list, tuple)):
            # it is allowed to select several channels so handle lists
            hue_filter = [hue_filter]
        dfplt = dfplt[dfplt["channel"].isin(hue_filter)]
    elif hue == "channel":
        # hue_filter is used to select hemispheres
        # it can only be left, right, both or empty
        if hue_filter == "both":
            # handle if it's a coordinates DataFrame which doesn't have "both"
            if "both" not in dfplt["hemisphere"].unique():
                # keep both hemispheres, don't do anything
                if hue_mirror:
                    # we need to keep both hemispheres to plot them in mirror
                    dfplt = dfplt[dfplt["hemisphere"] != "both"]
                    # we keep the metrics computed in both hemispheres
                    dfplt = dfplt[dfplt["hemisphere"] == "both"]
            # hue_filter should correspond to an hemisphere name
            dfplt = dfplt[dfplt["hemisphere"] == hue_filter]
        # not handled. Just return the DataFrame without filtering, maybe it'll make
        # sense.
        warnings.warn(f"{hue} should be 'channel' or 'hemisphere'.")

    # check result
    if len(dfplt) == 0:
            f"hue={hue} and hue_filter={hue_filter} resulted in an empty subset."

    return dfplt